Monday, January 31, 2011

The 28 Day Challenge Starts Tomorrow!!!

Steps to Get Started....
Clean out your refrigerator, pantry, kitchen, and office of all unhealthy foods (i.e. potato chips, high sodium soups, processed foods, candies/sweets, soda/colas, high fat/sodium frozen meals, etc.)

Fast food and processed foods are lacking important vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and worst of all - are full of unhealthy amounts of sodium, fats, and other unessential ingredients.  Healthy, nutrient-rich foods are essentials to maintaining optimal body function.

Stock up on healthy foods and snacks from your local grocery store, grower's market, and/or health food store.  A healthy selection of foods at home will encourage healthier eating and better health, you will feel a difference.

  1. Stay hydrated!  Water is vital to healthy living.  Drinking plenty of water is essential for processing nutrients and maintain a proper fluid balance.  Ideally, you should have six 8-oz. glasses of water per day.
  2. Slow down!  When feeling very hungry, most people have a tendency to eat too much, too quickly.  Be sure to understand portions of veggies, proteins (size of fist), and grains.  Take your time when eating so you can properly digest your food.
  3. Avoid bad sugars!  Stay away from refined sugars that are found in sodas, sweetened teas, coffee creams and other sweet foods and drinks.  Refined sugars, when over-consumed, can be converted to fat and stored in the body.
  4. Give in to little cravings!  If you're feeling hungry in-between meals, reach for a Fit Chew or a healthy snack.
  5. Stay on track!  The best way to be successful and reach your overall goal is to keep track of what you're eating and doing each day.
  6. Exercise!  Whether you are trying to lose weight or get more energy, it is important to exercise at least 30 minutes each day.
  7. Get some rest!  Being healthy is not only about what you are eating, but how you are treating your body.  It's always good to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night.
  8. Stay strong!  No matter what your goal is, don't get caught up on your day-to-day progress, but look at your weekly progression.  The first two weeks are going to be the hardest, but stick with it, and stay strong.  Keep track of what you are doing and how you feel.

Skinless chicken breast (grilled, not fried)
Turkey breast or ground turkey
Cold water fish - salmon, col, halibut, tuna
Eggs - boiled or cooked (without butter/margarine or salt)
Lean meat - sirloin steak, pork tenderloin (ask your butcher for the better, leaner cut of meat)
Legumes, garbanzo beans, kidney beans
Arbonne Essentials Protein Shakes and Shake Mix

Celery sticks with peanut/almond butter and raisins
Baby carrots with low fat dressing
Trail mix (without chocolate or candy)
Yogurt with fruit, berries, or light granola
Unsalted whole grain crackers
Hummus with raw vegetables
Low sugar sorbet
Steel cut oatmeal
Raw fruits (apple, pear, blueberries, mango, pineapple, etc.)
Boiled egg with no salt
Vegetables (carrots, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, spinach, beets, etc.)
Edamame (unsalted)
Low sodium vegetable chips
Arbonne Essentials Fit Chews

Unsweetened ice teas
Herbal tea blends
Green, black, or white tea
Water (six 8-oz. glasses per day)
Almond milk
Fresh squeezed or low sugar fruit juices
Low sodium vegetable juices
Sparkling water

Whole grain, whole wheat breads (increases fiber and vitamin intake)
Wheat or corn tortillas
Whole wheat pasta
Quinoa or couscous
Brown rice or wild rice
Whole grain cereals
Avoid white bread (refined flour)

Use healthy cooking sprays
Use olive, canola, or grapeseed oil
Use fresh herbs to add flavor to the meals instead of salt
Avoid margarine
Avoid rich, creamy sauces or salad dressings.
Monday, January 24, 2011

28 Day Challenge Kick Off!!

Tuesday, January 25th from 7:00 - 8:30pm
Saturday, January 29th from 12:00 - 2:00pm

Come and get yourself ready for our 28 Day Challenge!  Sample our nutritional products, receive recipes and meal plan ideas, schedule your appointment for goal-setting and starting measurements, and get excited to  make a commitment to yourself as we work for 28 days to FEEL BETTER TOGETHER!

Feel Better Together!

So, January is almost over...and where are you with your health and fitness New Year's Resolution? We are with you--and will be with you all the way through our 28 Day Challenge in February! The staff and friends of Aspire Pilates Training Center & Spa invite you to create your own health and fitness goals for 28 days-we will do your beginning & ending weight, body composition & picture, will help you with goal setting, meal-planning and nutritional support, will help you schedule your fitness into your busy life, and will be doing ALL of this ALONG WITH YOU! We will all "Feel Better Together"! We are your Sherpas that will get you to the top of your personal fitness Everest. Join us at one of our Kick Offs to sample nutritional products, get more information, and get motivated to be healthy! If you are unable to attend- you can STILL participate. Call us for more information (801)302-5720. Let's do it together!
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Feel Better Together 28 Day Challenge!!

What motivates you in fitness? 
Get ready for the Feel Better Together 28 day Challenge!  Starting February 1st, the staff and your friends here at Aspire will start a journey of health and wellness together that will make you feel better about yourself, inside and out.
TOGETHER we can be more successful

Tuesday, January 18, 2011
January is the time to try something new...
First Yoga Class in January is FREE! 
Aspire Pilates Training Center & Spa
DATE: Tuesdays TIME: 9:15 a.m.
DATE:  Thursdays  TIME:  7:30 p.m.

MORE:  No experience necessary and all levels are welcome.  This is an amazing way to learn Yoga, or to challenge those who have experience.  Take advantage of the opportunity to experience Debi's amazing class...for FREE!  Space is limited, so sign up NOW! 

FREE Yoga Class 
Use the promotion code YOGA2011 when you sign up for class online to receive a FREE Yoga Class at Aspire Pilates Training Center & Spa in January!  Pass it along to a friend!
Offer Expires: January 31, 2011

Aspire Pilates Training Center & Spa
2464 W. 12600 S. Suite 190
Riverton, Utah 84065

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Aspire Pilates
Riverton, UT
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